How to change your account email for TEX (Phase 2)

How to change your account email for TEX (Phase 2)

Step 1

Log in to your Traders Room account.

Step 2

Once you’re logged in, click on “Support”.


Step 3

Select “My Support Tickets” in the dropdown menu.

Step 4

Click on “Create a new support ticket”.


Step 5

Under “General”, click on “Select”.


Step 6

Write your request in the space provided and attach any supporting documents by clicking on “Choose Files”.

Step 7

Once you’re done with the request, click “Submit Ticket”.


Step 8

After receiving your support ticket, we will send over a TEX Email Address Update form. It should look something like the one below.

Step 9

Fill in the form completely and include your signature at the bottom space provided. You also need to attach a photo (selfie) of you holding your proof of identity. Email the completed form and picture via your new TEX email to our support team at [email protected].

Once we have received the necessary documents, we will forward your request to the relevant department to amend the email address.


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